Thursday, January 10, 2008

First look at the MCP2515-specialized SPI Engine

When last we visited the SPI back-end of propCAN, we saw that the SPI demonstration code worked great but we can run and we need to run with an MCP 2515 specialized version of the code for the reasons we cited. This post describes the performance increase we are seeing with this first draft of the specialized engine.

The SPI code results described in this post are those attained with the object as posted to our Propeller Object Exchange at Let's look at the new performance.

The captured trace (here it comes.... "Click to enlarge") shows a slightly different SPI transaction this time. The transaction is writing two bytes to the MCP 2515 and then reading a byte from it.

Let me back up a minute and present what we've done in the assembly code in this specialized engine then we'll review the numbers shown in the waveform.

This first draft of the engine implements the "entire command" model in assembly. When studying the overall MCP 2515 SPI command set, we find that we can accomplish all we need with roughly seven command types which correspond to:
  • send 1 byte, read none
  • send 1 byte, read 1 byte
  • send 2 bytes, read 1 byte
  • send 3 bytes, read none
  • send 4 bytes, read none
  • send 1 byte, send 13 bytes (yes, send then send)
  • send 1 byte, read 13 bytes

Therefore, early in the assembly code you now see a jump table for these seven command forms. Also, in this first draft you see that control of the /CS line is now handled by the assembly code as well.

Let's get back to our diagram. The command we are using is the third form: send 2 bytes, read 1 byte. The /CS markers are (M5-violet and M6-cyan) which shows this command to now take only 11.62 uSec. We have improved, somewhat.

There is a slight difference in read versus write speeds so let's now look at these. The read-bit time is shown with the red markers (M1 dark-red and M2 light-red). These single bit reads look to be fairly regular (eye-balling the waveform) and the M1-M2 measurement shows this to be 440 nSec. (or a bit rate of 2.27 Mbps).

The write side is slightly faster and is shown with the green markers (M3-dark-green and M4-light-green). Here we see a bit time of 380 nSec (or a bit rate of 2.63 Mbps).

So, we have improved the handling of the SPI interface to the MCP 2515. I have carefully spoken to this being a "command handling" back-end though because of the final point we made in the earlier post. The hand-off time from one Cog to this dedicated SPI Cog is still slowing us more than we really want. So we will, even with the vast improvement shown in this very specialized SPI Engine, still need to move to "transaction" handling in the assembly code. That is small sequences of commands being handled within the assembly engine not just single commands.

Next post? Serial is working, the interrupt/status lines are working, and we've improved on the basic SPI performance. So in the next post I'll discuss an overall transaction (request to send a can message received via serial-Rx all the way to responding with a response CAN message sent back over serial-Tx) which will be _very_ telling as to what we next need to improve as we head towards meeting the desired performance of propCAN.

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