In the first waveform I've zoomed into the receiving of the message via CAN Bus and then the unloading of the message from the receive buffer within the MCP 2515.
Let's study the events in the first waveform. At M1 we see the message arriving over the CAN Rx line (in red). Then at M3, we see the MCP 2515 acknowledging the message by writing a bit in the ACK field (yellow CAN Tx line near bottom.) At M4, we see the interrupt line being asserted (green line, /INT, going low). After a period of time, we see traffic over the SPI bus. This is our firmware responding to the interrupt assertion and requesting the unload of the receive buffer. At the completion of the unload, we see the interrupt line be de-asserted.
I marked three times of note for this first waveform:
- M1 to M2 (617 uSec) shows the time from starting to receive the CAN message to the time it has been unloaded from the MCP 2515.
- M3 to M4 (8.6 uSec) shows the time from the message being completely received to the time the MCP 2515 asserts the /INT line.
- M4 to M5 (437 uSec) shows the time it takes for the propCAN firmware to respond to the interrupt by unloading the received message.
In the 2nd waveform I've included all we see on the first but I zoomed out so that we can now see the received message being reformatted in ASCII and sent via serial to the FT232R chip which in turn sends it via USB to the attached PC. With this wider view of the receive activity we can now see the relative scale of our transmitting this same message over the various I/O channels. Our message is arriving by CAN Bus at 800kbps. It is being unloaded over SPI at a much higher rate and then finally we see it being sent over serial at a very slow rate, one character at a time.
A few of the times measured in this waveform are worth pointing out:
- M1 to M4 (3.96 mSec) is how long it takes from then the message starts arriving at our receiver to when we start send it out in ASCII form over the Serial Tx line.
- M4 to M2 (1.2 mSec) is how long it takes to send the ASCII message over Serial.
- M1 to M5 (128.86 uSec) is how long it takes for the message to arrive over the CAN Bus.
- M6 to M3 (42.53 uSec) is how it take to unload the message over SPI.
These waveforms show us how our current firmware is working and what transfer rates we are achieving over our various interfaces. In general looking at this post and the previous, we see that our firmware is taking way too long when transmitting over serial. We see, too, that we are taking too long when responding to the interrupts. Overall, all of our interfaces need attention.
Next post? Let's go over our internal message data storage format (messages in transit between interfaces.) and we'll go over what approaches we'll take as we make adjustments so that we can get as close as possible to our desired message throughput's.
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