Monday, March 31, 2008

New Serial Driver testing results

As promised, I've a new waveform to speak to today (yes, actual measurements!) but I'll get to that later in this post.

I spent my time today testing and making some late adjustments to code so that it would run correctly. As you remember in my last post I noted that I was running Rx and Tx at what Windows calls 921,600 baud and it was working well. However, next I had to modify my Windows FTDI driver installation to get to higher baud rates so I could continue testing.

After a few false starts (read- two driver reinstallations and a first incorrect attempt at modifying the 3 alias baud rate entries...), I managed to get my FTDI drivers configured correctly. What's fun is how I know I did. In my last efforts yesterday I upgraded my interaction with the autobaud routines to show detailed findings when asked and I also added a sign-on transmission which happens immediately after the autobaud completes. This is where it gets fun! I'll show you.

First, here are my speed aliases for my updated serial drivers:
  • 300 baud -> 3M baud
  • 1,200 baud -> 1.5M baud
  • 2,400 baud -> 2M baud

I chose these aliases so that I would have some hope (in my older age ;-) of remembering the new alias values. I also have no desire to be running this device at those original baud rates.

When I first start PropCAN now and send it a $0d <CR> is responds with the following message:

* PropCAN connected at 923076 baud, (92307 chars/sec) *

(It's pretty easy to tell when things are working well enough for it to send this <grin>.)

So I select 1200 baud (intending to get 1.5M baud) and connect to PropCAN and I see the following:

* PropCAN connected at 1500000 baud, (150000 chars/sec) *

I'm smiles all over! So I ask it it's current configuration by entering ?<CR> and get the following:

D PropCAN - A Propeller-based USB to CAN Controller by KZ0Q
D0 F/W Debug: OFF
O? CAN Closed
S7 CAN at 800 Kbps
Z0 Time-stamp: OFF

I move on to 2400 (new 2.0 Mbaud) and try once more:
* PropCAN connected at 2000000 baud, (200000 chars/sec) *

Now I'm grinning ear to ear.. but then I entered the ? command and got nothing. Then I'm moved up to 300 baud (3M baud) and I got nothing... Hmm, this is an amazing start to my testing but I've got work to do.

Now remember, I've an analyzer connected which is currently sampling at a 5 nS rate so I can pretty much accurately determine if what is being sent and received is actually at the bit rates I think it should be at. I verified each of these speeds and yes the driver is correctly sending at the 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0 bit rates!

This is where I had to go back and adjust things. My transmit side needed some code tweaking as it was exhibiting some really fat start-bits at these three speeds. I was able to make better instruction choices to bring this into alignment really well. On the receive side it took some studying. However, eventually I replaced a couple of test and jmp loops with waitpne/waitpeq and the receive side snapped to as well. After these changes, I was able to fully interact at 2.0M baud and I also retried my 300 baud ;-) test with the following results:
* PropCAN connected at 3000000 baud, (300000 chars/sec) *

(No I cannot interact with it at this speed, tho' I did try... I also knew by my calculating the instruction timings of my code that it would not work. This is why I posted the question I did at our Propeller Forum...)

So, in the end, this has been a great day. Now let's look at what's happened to our overall timing picture. I measured a full can transmit and the reply of the CAN Node's response sent back via USB. (I've no markers in this picture, so I'll talk in signal color and location instead...)

At the left, just up from the bottom we see to signals (red and Yellow) which are labelled as PropSIO RxD and TxD. I make the red color receive so these are easy to remember. The red descending blip at the left is the packet in ASCII coming in over serial "T1430<CR>" and the yellow blip following it is the <CR> reply back via USB. Moving on to the bottom two lines (red and green this time, 2515-CAN labels) we see our CAN message transmission in green and we see our CAN receiver seeing our full outgoing message (our receiver always sees our own transmissions in the MCP 2515.) Then we see the CAN Node replying to the message with a longer (8-byte payload) message. This is the next red burst. Just near the end of the red burst you see a green blip. This is the MCP 2515 ACK'ing the message (as each listener does on the CAN bus.) Now, look all the way to the right and you see the ASCII representation of the 8-byte payload message being sent to the PC via USB: "t36286263623726040034<CR>". Finally, and less important but so you know, the burst of activity above the CAN signals we just spoke of is the SPI traffic with interrupts.

The important part of this is seeing the relative time now taken for each of these actions. Just "eyeballing" the picture you can see that our serial transmission (in Yellow, and at 2M baud) is about the same width (takes about the same amount of time) as the CAN message arriving from the CAN Node (in Red). Contrast this against this 2nd picture originally shown in the Jan 22 post "Anatomy of a full transaction - Part 2". In this older picture we see the serial transmission burst (this time in Red) again to the right but look how much time it was taking! That's 1.2 mSec! vs. the 128.9 uSec of the CAN message arriving.

I think you'll agree this is exactly the improvement we've needed to meet our timing goals for this project. We needed 1.5M baud and we've got a functioning 2.0 M baud giving us timing margin and in fact our transmit side works to 3.0M baud according to our testing.

This has been some fun work on serial drivers for PropCAN! We see the autobaud object working well at all speeds of the FT232R. We see the serial transmit object working with all speeds as well. And finally we have the serial receive object working at the supported speeds up through 2.0M baud. This is all but the highest 3.0M baud speed. We've done ok.

Now it's time to work on the next performance upgrade for the SPI subsystem. I'm off to study what to do next there... I'll be posting more later this week after I've made some progress.

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